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Kelly Kornet: Hi, I'm Kelly Kornet. And I'm the host of Take Me to Your Future, a podcast that seeks to counterbalance conventional ideas about the future with those envisioned by real people. In the last year, have you thought about your future, or the future of your community, or country? Have you considered the decisions being made by leaders today and the potential impacts 5, 10 or even 20 years down the road? There are multiple possible future scenarios out there. And as a futurist and researcher, my job is to help surface the lesser known alternatives. So maybe you don't actually desire a hovercraft, but instead want to see biodiversity flourish again, maybe you're most afraid of the erosion of trust in our institutions, or the role of technology in shaping our relationships, or something else entirely. Together with producer Stuart Candy, we believe in democratizing the future and ensuring a wide range of voices are heard. And each episode I'll be asking our interviewee to describe a scenario for the future that they deem important and worth exploring. The stories may be informed by research and evidence paired with lived experience and intuition. And we invite you as listeners to contemplate these alternative scenarios and identify the moments that resonate with you or challenge your beliefs. Thanks for listening. You can find our show Take me to your future on Spotify or wherever you get your podcasts 

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